Events for 12 July, 2012

Australasian Computer Music Conference Concerts
12 Jul

Australasian Computer Music Conference Concerts

As part of the Australasian Computer Music Conference, these concerts feature world class electronic and computer music performances and presentations by Australian, New Zealand and International composers and performers. Experience a variety of sonic environments and multi-speaker projections. For more detail on concerts, visit
Australasian Computer Music Conference Concerts
12 Jul

Australasian Computer Music Conference Concerts

As part of the Australasian Computer Music Conference, these concerts feature world class electronic and computer music performances and presentations by Australian, New Zealand and International composers and performers. Experience a variety of sonic environments and multi-speaker projections. For more detail on concerts, visit
Gold Coast Science and Engineering Challenge
12 Jul

Gold Coast Science and Engineering Challenge

The Science and Engineering Challenge was developed by the University of Newcastle to inspire young people, through fun and practical hands on activities, about the opportunities available in science, technology and engineering. The Challenge is open to class-sized teams of year 9 and 10 high school students, with the aim to engage them in science and engineering activities with minimum introduction and theory, enabling them to explore scientific principles for themselves.
Midicities: Leaders in Australasia's Urban Future
11 Jul

Midicities: Leaders in Australasia's Urban Future

MidiCities: Leaders in Australasia's Urban Future is a two day conference to be held 11-12 July 2012 at the Logan Entertainment Centre. International and prominent Australian speakers will address contemporary issues and opportunities.
Griffith Asia Insitute - Perspectives:Asia
12 Jul

Griffith Asia Insitute - Perspectives:Asia

Indonesia and Korea are two of the most different societies in Australia???€š???€??s region. But between them they are experiencing the full gamut of challenges facing modern Asia. This presentation will examine how Australians can learn a lot about how Asia is dealing with these issues through the experience of these two countries which offer more benchmarks and lessons for other countries in the region and the world than the higher profile and more familiar regional giants in China, Japan and India.