Events for 20 May, 2013

Communicating Water Science and Technology Course May 2013
20 May

Communicating Water Science and Technology Course May 2013

This three-day course is designed to inform educators, communicators and community consultants about water science and including how to present it to lay people in a way that captures their attention and is easily understood.

Have your say on your courses and teachers through experience@griffith
20 May

Have your say on your courses and teachers through experience@griffith

Student Experience of Course (SEC) and Teaching (SET) surveys are the primary University-wide method for students to have their say on their experience of courses and teaching.

We will email your student email account when the survey is open. You can also take your survey on your smart-phone.

Your feedback is important to us - you could win a share of $10,000!

Your responses will remain anonymous - results are reported to staff in a "class summary" only.