Events for 30 March, 2022

Writing the Literature Review
30 Mar

Writing the Literature Review

Discover tips and strategies to help you prepare, plan and structure your writing to deliver a logical and coherent literature review.
'Deborah Kelly: CREATION' Exhibition
24 Feb

'Deborah Kelly: CREATION' Exhibition

'Deborah Kelly: CREATION' now showing at the Griffith University Art Museum.
Secure Foreign Arrangements at Griffith University
30 Mar

Secure Foreign Arrangements at Griffith University

An overview of legislation and what is required of Griffith Staff and Students to ensure that all interactions with foreign parties comply with the federal policies. Providing a guide through the Griffith Secure Engagement with International Parties Hub, as well as a step by step walk through of the International Engagement Checking Tool.
Co-Design Lab
07 Mar

Co-Design Lab

Co-Design Lab provides you an opportunity to co-create your experience at Griffith.
It is a place where you speak, and we listen. The Co-Design Lab team will work with you to understand problems and opportunities, and build ideas and concepts using human-centered design mindsets and methods.