Presenteeism at work: problems and promise

Presenteeism at work: problems and promise

Principal speaker

Professor Gary Johns

This seminar is delivered in conjunction with the Department of Marketing Research Seminar Series.

Abstract: Presenteeism is attending work when ill. Although an object of intense interest in occupational medicine, it has only recently attracted the attention of management and psychology scholars. The behaviour is of applied interest because of its reputedly high but largely hidden negative impact on employee productivity, with supposed costs far exceeding those attributed to absenteeism. It is also of theoretical interest because it represents a state between absenteeism and full work engagement. The presentation will recount the short history of presenteeism research and discuss some of its theoretical and methodological problems. An exploratory study of the psychosocial correlates of presenteeism, absenteeism, and productivity loss due to presenteeism will be presented, and the known correlates of presenteeism will be reviewed. Future research needs will be highlighted.

Speaker: Gary Johns is Professor and University Research Chair in Management in the John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal. He studies absenteeism, presenteeism, job design, personality, and context. He has published in Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Gary is co-author of Organizational Behavior: Understanding and Managing Life at Work (9th edition, Pearson); recipient of the Academy of Management OB Division's New Concept Award, SIOP’s Ghiselli Research Design Award, and, the Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s Award for Distinguished Contributions. He is a Fellow of SIOP, Academy of Management, and the American and Canadian Psychological Associations. Professor John’s is currently on the editorial board of Journal of Applied Psychology. Formerly Associate Editor of Journal of Organizational Behavior and on the boards of Academy of Management Journal, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. He has held visiting positions at Sheffield, Oregon, QUT, AGSM, ASB, HKUST, and Singapore Management University.

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