Recruitment and Careers Fair (GC)

Recruitment and Careers Fair (GC)

The annual Griffith Recruitment and Careers Fairs provide an ideal opportunity for employers and representatives of professional associations to engage with Griffith students. Fairs will be staged at Griffith’s Nathan campus in Brisbane and at our Gold Coast campus in Southport (collectively over 30,000 students). They will also draw students from other Griffith campuses in the Brisbane Gold Coast corridor and in the Brisbane CBD.

Organisations will be advertising graduate positions to start in 2013. Some of these employers may advertise as early as the end of April 2013. Others will advertise during 2013.
Take the opportunity to check out the organisation, see the kinds of jobs on offer, talk to organisational representatives, find out the things you could do to increase your chances of employment with an organisation of your choosing.

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