Physics Lecture Series 2013 - Flying Frogs, Graphene and the 2010 Physics Nobel Prize

Physics Lecture Series 2013 - Flying Frogs, Graphene and the 2010 Physics Nobel Prize

Principal speaker

John Dobson

 Physics Lecture Series 2013

Give your grey matter a work out; from the world’s first photo of an atom’s shadow to time travel, the Physics Lecture Series 2013 showcases an array of exciting research at Griffith University. The lectures are delivered at a first year student level and are open to the public.

Graphene is set to transform the electrics industry. It is one of the strongest materials known to human-kind, its isolation won the Physics Nobel Prize, and it is only one carbon atom thick. And you probably haven’t even heard of it! This lecture will discuss and demonstrate of the rich variety of physical ideas, technologies and concepts flowing from the discovery of graphene. You’ll also hear about Griffith University research on graphene. So what do flying frogs have to do with this? Come along and find out!

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