Physics Lecture Series 2013 - Optical Quantum Technologies

Physics Lecture Series 2013 - Optical Quantum Technologies

Principal speaker

Geoff Pryde

 Physics Lecture Series 2013

Give your grey matter a work out; from the world’s first photo of an atom’s shadow to time travel, the Physics Lecture Series 2013 showcases an array of exciting research at Griffith University. The lectures are delivered at a first year student level and are open to the public.

The weird world of quantum mechanics is the most tested theory in science, but what is it actually good for in our macro world? This presentation will delve into how quantum systems are going to flourish in the future, focusing in on the area of precision measurement, which is at the heart of all quantitative science and high-performance technologies. Find out how our experiments with photons are demonstrating quantum-enhanced measurement precision approaching the absolute limit allowed by the laws of physics.

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