The Middle East in Turmoil: Challenges and Opportunities

The Middle East in Turmoil: Challenges and Opportunities

Principal speaker

Terje Rod Larsen

The Middle East is in a state of flux.  Popular movements are confronting establishments leading to domestic strife and violence in some countries. The political landscape of the region is in profound transition. Ideological clashes within and between States are driven by nationalism, religion, quest for reforms and democracy, and social unrest. These developments are representing challenges and new opportunities, not only for the countries and peoples involved, but also – given the centrality of the Middle East in global politics – for the international community at large.  Drawing upon personal and professional experience from his years of work in the Middle East, Terje Rod-Larsen will offer his analysis of the recent events in the region, and outline the emerging political and security dilemmas as well as the prospects for progress.

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