Masters and Slaves

Masters and Slaves

Masters and Slaves 2013 promises to live up to its reputation as a literary calendar must see! Students from the School of Humanities Griffith University will duel with their literary heroes in a live theatre in the round style battle for supremacy.

Ashleigh Watson takes on Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love, Dean Barker wrestles with Dr Zues, Diana Brown relives an Enid Blyton childhood, Paige Townsend takes on famous literary rogue Hunter S Thompson, Simon Jun wonders why John Hughes held all our sixteen candles and Jordan Lawrence pens a homage to Chuck Palahniuck. See who'll take it out as the pets go to battle with their masters.


Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 15 April 2013 , by email , or by phone 373 55567

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