How community engagement can inspire responsible, sustainable action

How community engagement can inspire responsible, sustainable action

Principal speaker

Mr Howard Nielsen

When it comes to creating real, sustainable change, the power of community is second to none. The Samford community is a prime example of this where the local Chamber of Commerce, the supermarket, the Rotary Club, the Progress Association, the Farmers Hall Trust and other community groups such as Samford Green Streets and the Samford Sustainability Hub have all contributed in some way to build a more sustainable community.

For the Samford community, this includes projects around climate change, coal seam gas, sustainable business precincts, eco centres, urban agriculture, bush regeneration, plastic bag free retailing, Samford Futures planning process and bulk-scale solar energy installations. Unfortunately the achievements of this community are outside the norm, but it’s for this reason that we should take a closer look at their model. In doing so, perhaps other communities can emulate the incredible engagement and change this community has achieved.

This presentation will explore how to engage a community so that it chooses to act differently about its environment. It will use the Samford community as a case study, showing how this community has encouraged large sections of its population to take significant sustainable action. It will explore the bumps experienced along the road and the fundamental principles of behaviour change that were needed. The presentation will be facilitated by some of the people who helped design and implement the process.

This presentation will be led by Howard Nielsen, a sustainability advocate, educator and consultant. In his citizen role, Howard has co-led many community advocacy processes, and is currently involved in co-facilitating the Samford Futures project. Howard co-created the Green Street project, which is now endorsed by the UN Global Compact Cities Programme. Green Street promotes and supports sustainable practices in communities and organizations. Howard also conducts his own consultancy company, NACC, with a focus on community engagement, sustainability and leadership.

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