The impact of generation on employees' intention to stay

The impact of generation on employees' intention to stay

Principal speaker

Associate Professor Kate Shacklock

 Abstract: The retention of staff has been examined from several traditional management perspectives and continues to be a challenge for organisations and their management. One contemporary research issue is the impact of today’s multi-generational workforces, and whether this leads to inter-generational tension and affects employees’ intentions to stay.

This seminar presents the literature on generations generally, then the findings from one study in particular that uses a different approach – an employee’s generation - to examine intentions to stay working. In that study, six variables were found to influence registered nurses' intentions to continue working as nurses, and there were differences by generation.

An overview of this and other studies that I have published in this generations area will be presented, as well as suggestions for future research.

Speaker: Kate Shacklock, PhD, is an Associate Professor and the Discipline Leader (HRM and ER) at the Griffith Business School’s Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Her research interests include the ageing workforce, inter-generational issues and human resource management generally. She is a Researcher at the Griffith University Research Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, with an extensive industry background in human resource management.

Associate Professor Shacklock’s current research interests include the influence of an employee’s age and the role of generational issues, both of which affect the retention of valued employees in today’s workforces. Another area of current research is the role of supervisor-subordinate and employee-organisational relationships generally. She has published in journals such as Human Resource Management Journal, Advanced Journal of Nursing and International Journal of Human Resource Management.


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