Putting young people at the heart of climate change policies and programmes: A Vanuatu perspective

Putting young people at the heart of climate change policies and programmes: A Vanuatu perspective

 An evening seminar, "Putting young people at the heart of climate change policies and programmes: A Vanuatu perspective". Vanuatu has drafted a Climate Change policy placing young people at the heart of climate change adaptation strategies and disaster risk management. This seminar will consider how policy can be translated into practice in creating links to youth governance structures and training programmes. The seminar, including responses by invited panelists and Q&A with the audience, will be held from 6 - 8 pm, with a light supper from 5:30 pm at the Griffith University, Nathan campus, at the EcoCentre. The seminar is free and open to the public. Please RSVP to l.malcolm@griffith.edu.au or call 07 3735 7124. Further information is available at - http://www.griffith.edu.au/research/research-excellence/griffith-climate-change-response-program/program

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