Shut Up and Write

Shut Up and Write

Inspired by similar groups at other universities, 'Shut Up and Write' sessions help you set aside time for your writing. The crucial components are caffeine, other people and silence and the format is simple. Groups meet at a specific place and time. Everyone introduces themselves and has a cuppa then the group writes for a set period time - usually 30 to 40 minutes. That's it ! No requirement to share your work, although you can if you wish. 'Shut Up and Write' sessions have been found to be a really useful way to deal with procrastination and establish a writing habit. GSBRC will be holding them every Tuesday & Thursday (unless otherwise advised) at 10:00 am to 11:00 am in GSBRC offices (M06, 3.16). The tea/coffee and biscuits are on us ! It is essential to register as we only have space for 8 people.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 10 February 2014 , by email , or by phone 0737351185

Event contact details