Meta Data Analysis FULLY BOOKED

Meta Data Analysis FULLY BOOKED

Principal speaker

Arthur Poropat

GSBRC is pleased to present, Meta-Analysis. Meta-analysis is a specific type of systematic review, which attempts to answer quantitative questions about effect sizes such as correlations, mean differences, or odds-ratios. As such, meta-analyses provide the foundation for subsequent research, which is why many of the most highly-cited scientific papers are meta-analyses.  In this workshop, Dr Poropat will provide an overview of the nature and underlying logic of meta-analysis, from formulating research questions to presenting and interpreting meta-analytic results. The actual statistical techniques used are relatively simple, and most meta-analyses can be conducted using nothing more complicated than Excel, although we will discuss purpose-built software alternatives. Most of the focus will instead be upon meta-analysis as a means of reconsidering a field of research using quantitative tools.  Participants will only need a basic understanding of inferential statistics, such as how to interpret correlations, analysis of variance, odds-ratios, survival ratios, etc. We will attempt to work with actual examples of meta-analyses, so it will be useful to bring copies of research studies on topics that you have identified. If you want a highly-cited paper, meta-analysis may be your best choice for your next project.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 25 August 2014 , by email FULLY BOOKED , or by phone 0737351186

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