G20 Interfaith Summit 2014

G20 Interfaith Summit 2014

Principal speaker

Dr Brian Adams

Does faith have a constructive, problem-solving place in 21st Century societies? Should faith leaders and scholars have a seat in the strategy room? Should freedom of religion be protected? Are there economic and allied social benefits to communities that warrant that protection? How are the causal links between religious freedom and economic development demonstrated?

These and other questions will be explored by Australian and international thought-leaders at the G20 Interfaith Summit: Perspectives on the 2014 G20 Leaders Summit on Australia’s Gold Coast (16-18 November, 2014).
Griffith University is hosting the forum, with support from the International Consortium of Law and Religion Studies; and the International Center of Law and Religion Studies (Brigham Young University).

Confirmed speakers include:

Dr Augusto Zimmermann, Vice-President of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (Murdoch University); Dr Ram Cnaan, Director of the Program for Religion and Social Policy Research at the University of Pennsylvania; Dr Paul Babie, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Law (Research) in the Adelaide Law School, and Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of the Professions, and Director of the Research Unit for the Study of Society, Law and Religion at the University of Adelaide; Dr Brian Grim, President of the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation; Imam Afroz Ali, Managing Director and Senior Instructor, SeekersHub Global; Dr W. Cole Durham Jr., President of the International Consortium of Law and Religion Studies, and Managing Editor of the Harvard Law Journal; Dr Rachael Kohn, author and broadcaster (ABC Radio National); and Dr Brian Adams, Director of the Centre for Interfaith & Cultural Dialogue at Griffith University.

Speakers, panelists and other participants at the forum will analyze the announcements and directions emerging from the 2014 G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane (15-16 November), from perspectives informed by the latest international research on religion, freedom of religion and economic development.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Sunday 16 November 2014 , by email icd@griffith.edu.au , or by phone +61 (07) 3735 7052

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