Policy Breakfast with Qld Commissioner of Mental Health

Policy Breakfast with Qld Commissioner of Mental Health

Principal speaker

Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck

Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck is Queensland’s first Mental Health Commissioner, appointed on 1 July 2013. Her aim is to lead a trusted organisation that brings together the collective wisdom that arises from life experience and professional expertise to drive reform to enhance the lives of people living with mental illness or substance misuse.
Prior to taking up this appointment, Lesley was the Director of Organisational Reform in Western Australia’s Mental Health Commission where she led system wide reform since the establishment of the agency in 2010. During this time, she has built an excellent reputation in bringing together diverse views of stakeholders, including the most vulnerable, to solve complex social policy issues and seeing those solutions turned into actions.
Here is your opportunity to meet Dr van Schoubroeck as she shares her vision for the Mental Health Services in Queensland.  Cost of admission $27.50 inc GST.  Bookings close 29th August 2014.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Friday 29 August 2014 , by email violenceprevention@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 37355978

Event contact details