Academic Book Publishing

Academic Book Publishing

Principal speaker

Professor Stephen Billett

This practical and engaging workshop presented by GSBRC will provide a forum for developing a deeper understanding and discussing with colleagues the prospects for Griffith’s social, behavioural and humanities researchers to publish books through quality academic publishers. Using a facilitated process, the workshop will canvass issues associated with why you might engage in book publication, considerations when planning to publish books, the kinds of book publications that you might author or edit, and what constitutes an effective book proposal. Consideration will then be given to what publishers seek in a proposal and how you might work to prepare proposals that are acceptable to high quality academic publishers. Throughout the workshop, comment will be made and discussion encouraged about the changing nature of academic publication and its implications for researchers.  

Event categories

RSVP on or before Friday 12 September 2014 , by email , or by phone 0737351186

Event contact details