Writing for the Conversation

Writing for the Conversation

Principal speaker

Professor Adam Shoemaker

GSBRC present this workshop for social, behavioural and humanities researchers at the University is focusing on the online academic forum known as The Conversation, to explore how it works, what it might do for you as a researcher, and what is involved in contributing to it.  A panel of experienced users of and contributors to The Conversation will explore those topics from their own experience of and deliberation on the issues that it raises – under questioning from the College Convenor (as a researcher lacking any such experience). The workshop will also include a presentation on the operations of The Conversation, from one of its Editors, with ample time for questions, comments and discussion on any aspects of the topic.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Tuesday 16 September 2014 , by email gsbrc@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 0737351186

Event contact details