Managing Environmental Weeds in a Changing Climate

Managing Environmental Weeds in a Changing Climate

Principal speaker

David Low

 Dr David Low, founder of the Weed’s Network at Monash University, is passionate about a sustainable, viable and creative future in our relationship with weeds. Dr Low believes that through a spirit of willing exploration we can foster ways to better understand weeds, so they become a resource we can manage with the environment and future generations in mind.

Dr Low is qualified with a PhD in Scientific Communication and is a Master of Environmental Science. He became interested in weeds after working for Monsanto and talking with farmers. He realised that weeds can be used as a resource, for example, many weeds can be used as silage to feed stock or as a tool to revitalise soil. Dr Low also noticed that where there is biodiversity, there are fewer weed problems.

In order to investigate and communicate information about sustainable weeding, he founded the Weed’s Network in 2009. The growth of interest in methods for the profitable and sustainable controlling of weeds has been amazing, with 35,000 members linked into the network from all around the world.

The Weed’s Network provides evidence-based information for innovative ways of thinking about engaging with and managing weeds sustainably. An approach Dr Low will discuss and how we can adapt current practices in a changing climate.

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RSVP on or before Thursday 18 September 2014 , by email , or by phone 0423846494

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