Research Presentation

Research Presentation

Principal speaker

Dr Robyn Holder

What do women as victims of domestic violence seek from justice? That question has troubled us for decades and is not going away. Arguments have been pitched that retributive justice or restorative justice is �€˜better�€™ than the other. This presentation discusses longitudinal research that reveals the multiple goals that women as victims of domestic violence express for justice. Women were interviewed after a report about the incident had been made to police and when a criminal charge was laid against an offender; on a second occasion when the case had finalised at court, and a third and final time some 6 to 8 months afterwards. The prospective method tracked along the justice process and shows women�€™s goals for justice unfold over time. Women specified the type of process they would like to resolve the case when they were looking forward and also when they were looking back. They wanted accountability first and the possibility of a dialogic encounter. The either/or debate about justice may be resolved through sequencing justice goals in a hybrid process.
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RSVP on or before Monday 23 March 2015 , by email , or by phone 55978

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