EPS Alumni Seminar - Leading a Culture of Learning in Logan Schools

EPS Alumni Seminar - Leading a Culture of Learning in Logan Schools

Principal speaker

David Hartley

The School of Education and Professional Studies invites you to the first instalment of our Alumni Seminar Series, 'Leading a Culture of Learning in Logan Schools'.

Take this opportunity to reconnect with your Griffith education peers, engage with the Logan teaching community and hear from educator, author and 2014 Alumnus of the Year, Dave Hartley.

During his career, Dave has been both an educator and administrator in some very challenging teaching environments. Gain insight into his approach to teaching in socially disadvantaged schools, the concepts behind the innovative learning programs he has implemented and what has proved both successful and unsuccessful when engaging students with more complex needs.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance for CPD purposes.

RSVP is essential. Book online

Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 15 April 2015 , by email ael-alumni@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 07 37351110

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