NDIS Symposium: Employment opportunities for people with disability 'Real jobs for real pay'

NDIS Symposium: Employment opportunities for people with disability 'Real jobs for real pay'

Principal speaker

Professor Lesley Chenoweth AO

In partnership with the Community Resource Unit and Queenslanders with Disability Network, Griffith University is hosting its fifth NDIS Symposium to share ideas, knowledge and experience in the lead up to the application of the National Disability Insurance Sceme (NDIS) in Queensland.

The event will bring together a range of experts and people with lived expereince to specifically discuss employment opportunities and challenges for people with disability.

Topics include: 

-  Brief update on NDIS in Queensland
-  Defining open employment for people with disability
-  Workforce discrimination
-  What does it take to get a real job with real pay?
-  Panel discussion with those with lived experience
-  What opportunities does the future hold with the NDIS?

Most Australians choose to work to build long-term economic security and well-being. They care about job retention and career development. A meaningful job also delivers a sense of purpose, social opportunities and a more valued status.

The vast majority of people with disability can and do want to work and be as financially independent as possible, but real work for real pay is hard to find. By international standards, Australia’s workforce participation rate for people with disability is low, ranked 21 out of 29 OECD countries on performance for disability employment.

Only 52.9 per cent of Australians with disability at working age are in the workforce, or actively looking for work. Only one-third of people assisted by Disability Employment Services achieve an effective employment outcome. They are more likely to have lower incomes, experience long-term unemployment, chronic poverty & social isolation.

A key outcome for the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 is that people with disability, their families and carers have economic security, enabling them to plan for the future and exercise choice and control over their lives. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers flexibility over how financial supports are used to live a full and included life in the community, including employment support.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Thursday 20 August 2015 , by email t.hartmann@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 0408 206 810

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