Eskitis Institute Research Facility Launch

Eskitis Institute Research Facility Launch

To celebrate the opening of the $18 million Eskitis Institute research facility, Eskitis is opening doors to the public for an exclusive tour of the Institute.

It is home of the National Centre for Adult Stem Cell Research, the Queensland Compound Library and Nature Bank, which contains natural products from plants and marine invertebrates from tropical Queensland, as well as Tasmania, China and Papua New Guinea.

This is a unique opportunity to tour the Institute and meet the researchers working to develop revolutionary adult stem cell therapies and new medicines derived from our forests and oceans.

Due to the secure nature of the facility, numbers are strictly limited and bookings are essential.

Date: Thursday 24 April, 1.30pm or 2pm or 2.30pm tour

Venue: Brisbane Innovation Park, adjacent to Nathan campus

To register, please email and specify your preference for a 1.30pm, 2pm or 2.30pm tour.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 23 April 2008 , by email , or by phone (07) 5552 8654

Event contact details