Big Data - Big Deal Tourism Networking Event

Big Data - Big Deal Tourism Networking Event
Big Data - Big Deal Tourism Networking Event

Principal speaker

Associate Professor Bela Stantic

Griffith Institute for Tourism networking event 'Big Data - Big Deal?' with keynote speech by Associate Professor Bela Stantic, Director 'Big Data and Smart Analytics' lab, Griffith University.

It is called the digital age and we have well and truly moved into the visitor experience economy. New trends and ways of ‘doing tourism’ have emerged, including the Share Economy, digital booking and social media communication of people before, during and after their travel. Technology is moving faster than we can keep up with, and people might wonder:

What is the big deal around Big Data?

Will Big Data replace other ways of collecting information?

Who is analyzing Big Data and how?

Can we develop new products based on Big Data intelligence?

Can insights from Big Data be used to manage tourism more efficiently?

Where is it already happening (and we might be part of it without realizing)?

What are the risks? Big Data = Big Brother?

This networking event will provide a platform for getting a better understanding of these issues and discuss new opportunities for tourism, arising from the potential that Big Data brings. 

Friday April 15, 2016

Level 7, Webb Centre Building, Queensland College of Art,

South Bank campus, Griffith University

5:00 pm                  Arrival

5:30  - 6:15 pm       Presentation and Discussion

6:15 – 7:00 pm        Cocktail function

By invitation only

Contact:  Caroline Wylie or (07) 5552 8139

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