Griffith Asia Institute: Griffith-Tsinghua Conference Chinese Scholars Debate International Relations

Griffith Asia Institute: Griffith-Tsinghua Conference Chinese Scholars Debate International Relations
Griffith Asia Institute: Griffith-Tsinghua Conference Chinese Scholars Debate International Relations

25 Academic scholars from China, Austalia and the United States will gather at Tsinghua University in Beijing from 11-12 December 2016 to discuss and debate on international relations. Topics include:

- Why Do Chinese IR Scholars Matter?

- Chinese Debate the Nature of the International System

- Chinese Debate Key Concepts in IR

- Chinese Debate Foreign Relations

- Chinese Debate “Hot Topics”

There will also be a Roundtable discussion titled “Bridging the Gap between Academia and Policy Community: how can we do it?”

This is an invitation-only event

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