Methodological issues in non-RCT designs

Methodological issues in non-RCT designs

Principal speaker

Dr Rajna Golubic

Menzies Health Institute Queensland

Optimising Health Outcomes Seminar


Methodological issues in non-RCT designs


This session will discover the world of methodological issues in the design of studies with small, medium and large samples. There is an increasing volume of research that is based on small data sets which limits the representativeness of the sample and reduces generalisability of the findings to a wider population of interest. A particular attention will be given to dealing with different types of non-probability sampling. The difference between evidence-based and evidence-informed research will be reviewed and a delicate balance between pragmatism (feasibility) and quality of the study will be discussed.

Some specific examples from the Griffith based studies will be considered.


Rajna is a co-lead of the NNEdPro Research Fellows Panel and a doctor (general internal medicine) in Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge. She qualified as an MD at the Zagreb University School of Medicine (Croatia). Subsequently, she worked as a physician/research fellow at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (Andrija Stampar School of Public Health) where she trained in occupational and sports medicine and was involved in research projects and international public health collaborations focusing on workers' health (WHO Collaborative Center for Occupational Health, Zagreb) and thought medical students. Rajna obtained a doctorate in occupational medicine and undertook advanced training in clinical research methods at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam (as a Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences Fellow).

Rajna completed an MPhil in Public Health and a PhD in Epidemiology at Cambridge as a Gates Scholar. Her PhD research focused on the descriptive epidemiology and measurement aspects of physical activity and its associations with cardio-metabolic diseases. She won several international awards and prizes and presented at international conferences. She is associate editor of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Healthcare Research. Her main research interests revolve around risk factors and prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases and improved research methods in healthcare.


Dowload the Seminar flyer here.


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