Understanding and countering postmodernism in business studies

Understanding and countering postmodernism in business studies
Understanding and countering postmodernism in business studies

Principal speaker

Professor Bradley Bowden

Postmodernist-informed thinking dominants many of the commanding heights of business academia. Journals where postmodernist-informed editors have held sway include Academy of Management Review, Management and Organizational History, Accounting Organisation and Society, and Business History. Despite the growing strength of postmodernism in its various hues, exponents typically espouse an intellectually-confused version of postmodernism. Ideas drawn from Jacques Derrida are intermingled with ideas drawn from Michel Foucault - despite both these thinkers viewing each other's views with scorn. This seminar thus has two purposes. First, it is to explain the various strands of postmodernism, tracing their roots in idealist philosophic thought. Secondly, it seeks to highlight the failings of postmodernism; failings that cause its exponents to engage in a "horizontality" of research (i.e. critiquing what others have said) rather than a "verticality" of research (i.e. looking outwards at material existence). This seminar is drawn from the forthcoming book: Bradley Bowden, Work, Wealth and Postmodernism: The Intellectual Conflict at the Heart of Business Endeavour (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

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RSVP on or before Friday 4 May 2018 , by email wow@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 07 3735 3714

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