Social Marketing Masterclass (Advanced)

Social Marketing Masterclass (Advanced)
Social Marketing Masterclass (Advanced)

Principal speaker

Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele

Other speakers

Dr Julia Carins and Mr Ville Lahtinen

Thinking (even) more like a marketer
To deliver change you need to offer something of value at the right place and time. Social marketing is rarely being implemented to its full extent and recent field trials show us that using more of the social marketing toolkit can deliver higher rates of behavioural change. Come along and advance your knowledge of the marketing toolkit. We will deliver you with more tools and even more understanding to help you to enable change.

In this workshop we challenge you to understand how your programs can be extended way beyond information and communication only appeals (1P promotion). We will work with you to identify the many ways that your program could be changed to deliver something of value at a time and place that is convenient to the audience that you target.

We often focus on individuals delivering programs aimed at helping them change. Change is more complex and the individuals who need to change often face social and built environment barriers which prevent change. In the afternoon session we show you how to broaden your focus to take a wider (systems) stance. This class provides you with tools and techniques to apply to identify structural and system barriers.

Finally in this workshop we challenge you to consider the many agencies tasked with delivering behavioural change. You will be challenged to identify potential synergies that could be obtained to extend reach in the communities you serve.

Participation in the Advanced Social Marketing Masterclass will advance your knowledge of the social marketing toolkit and provide you with more tools to enable change.


Mixing It Up

Moving beyond the individuals who need to change

Tools to apply to solve wicked problems

Working smarter and not harder

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