GriffithBUSINESS Ambassadors Workshop 2

GriffithBUSINESS Ambassadors Workshop 2

The GriffithBUSINESS Ambassadors Program offers students their first real look at university life, whilst providing them with a greater understanding of social innovation and social enterprise through working with academic staff from Griffith University.

These full day workshops are free to attend and lunch is provided by Griffith Business School. Each student will receive a Certificate of Participation and will officially become a Griffith Business School Ambassador.

Students are welcome to attend either Nathan, Gold Coast or Logan campuses based on relevance and interest of topic. The topics and campuses are as follows:

Gold Coast campus | Delivering change for the better

Our society is faced with many 'wicked' problems - e.g. environmental damage, social inequities and health challenges. These problems have high costs, placing economic and social burdens on our community. Social marketing is one way we can help to deliver changes that benefit our communities. This workshop will introduce you to social marketing. You will gain experience in understanding more about how social marketing can be applied to change people's behaviours.

Logan campus | Problem-solving: Accept the challenge
In our lives, we are constantly challenged by problems. Some problems are complex e.g. climate change and poverty, whilst others are less complicated but still challenging to us as individuals and our community. It is important to improve our problem solving as this leads to better decisions and potentially sustainable win/win positions. In this workshop, we will explore problem-solving through engaging with a range of problems. We will use different strategies and open our minds to new ideas as we work on optimising our problem-solving abilities

Nathan campus | Power and influence: How to get people to do what you want
Have you ever wondered how some people just have a knack of getting you to do what they want you to do? Or how some people can motivate a crowd whilst others, despite their best intentions, struggle to convince people to take even the smallest of steps? Learning how to motivate and change peoples' behaviour is a critical skill for our development, both personally and professionally across all careers. This workshop introduces the concepts of change management and how we can use power and politics to influence people's behaviour. It will give you the tools and techniques, along with experience in convincing people to do things that they really do not want to do.

Registrations for workshop 2 are open now!

Event categories

RSVP by email

Event contact details

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3