Queensland Creativity Summit 2018: Initial Teacher Education

Queensland Creativity Summit 2018: Initial Teacher Education
Queensland Creativity Summit 2018: Initial Teacher Education

Griffith University's School of Education and Professional Studies with the support of the Queensland Council of Deans of Education and the Queensland College of Teachers is staging the event which will consider:

- Teaching creatively: using novel and inventive approaches to make learning more engaging, interesting and effective; and
- Teaching for creativity: approaches designed to develop and enhance learners' own creative thinking processes;

Our event will bring together Deans of Education, school and systemic leaders, peak professional bodies & educational change agents.

Your registration includes arrival tea and coffee, morning tea and lunch. The day will feature inspiring keynote presentations, case studies and breakout discussion groups. The Summit will generate actionable outcomes at a policy level within schools and universities. We hope you can join us to contribute to the creative futures of all young Australians.

To register please visit: http://events.griffith.edu.au/events/queensland-creativity-summit-2018-initial-teacher-education/event-summary-1c6389f3abc14ca98cac5254af44f5f7.aspx

Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 4 June 2018 , by email creativitysummit@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 51016

Event contact details