Teaching Analysis & Evaluation

Teaching Analysis & Evaluation

Principal speaker

Dr Theresa Bourke

Overview: This presentation will focus on the explicit teaching of analysis and evaluation. Dr Bourke will explore how these skills are currently taught in line with Queensland and national syllabi. Then, she will further explore if the teaching of these skills will change with the implementation of the new curriculum.

Presenter: Dr Theresa Bourke has been an experienced teacher, deputy principal, teachereducator and researcher with a career spanning over 25 years in the UK and Australia. As a Senior Lecturer and Academic Program Director in Education, Dr Bourke oversees all accreditation and transformation of all MTeach and Bachelor of Education courses at QUT. Her teaching area is geography curriculum and discipline units within QUT's initial teacher education programs. She is an education consultant for a number of Queensland schools, assisting in academic improvement in student performance using data, and the explicit teaching of higher order thinking skills.

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