Griffith Business School Alumni Career Management Workshop Series

Griffith Business School Alumni Career Management Workshop Series

Principal speaker

Dr Edwin Trevor-Roberts

This Career Management Workshop Series co hosted by the Griffith Business School Alumni Network and BusinessPLUS is designed and delivered exclusively for Griffith Business School graduates and current students with over five years professional experience.

These workshops will provide you invaluable resources to help you design your career strategy, develop your personal branding and marketing tools, and learn the practical techniques to build networks for your career. Participants also have a chance to share their experience and learn from each other in the workshops.

Each series comprise THREE individual workshops, each two hours in duration. The workshops will run in the evenings on a bi-weekly basis at both South Bank and Gold Coast campuses and you are welcome to attend workshops at either campus. We invite you to attend all three workshops in the series if possible, however you are welcome to register for just those that suit your schedule.

We are offering this workshop series free of charge to alumni, places are strictly limited so please register quickly to avoid disappointment.

Workshop 1: Design your career

Professionals with the most successful careers have a clear sense of their future yet are able to respond quickly to the opportunities that come their way. However, the rapid change in the global labour market has made the transition from study to employment increasingly complex.

Workshop 2: Develop your marketing tools

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to develop an effective resume and cover letter. Participants will explore ways they can identify the relevant information for their job applications and how to present this information to best represent them. This workshop will further explore how to develop the marketing tools participants will need for their job search and brand building toolkit.

Workshop 3: Strategic networking

"Engage your allies and be a good ally" says the Canadian Blueprint for Career Development. This elegantly summarises one of the key skills for a successful career, yet the concept of networking can be both daunting and nebulous.

Event categories
Event contact details

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6