Perspectives:Asia Lecture: Referenda on independence in New Caledonia and the autonomous region of Bougainville

Perspectives:Asia Lecture: Referenda on independence in New Caledonia and the autonomous region of Bougainville
Perspectives:Asia Lecture: Referenda on independence in New Caledonia and the autonomous region of Bougainville

Principal speaker

Professor Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh

Other speakers

Panel members: Ms Denise Fisher, Mr Anthony Regan and Mr Emmanuel Thuay Tjibaou

Violent conflicts in New Caledonia (1980s) and Bougainville (1990s) were ended by political settlements between France and New Caledonia, and Papua New Guinea and Bougainville and could result in creation of two new small and potentially wealthy (mineral rich) Pacific states before the end of the current decade.

Will the upcoming referendums deliver outcomes that are generally accepted, or will they generate new conflict? Such questions have obvious implications for regional relations. Our panellists will share their insights on the upcoming referendums the role Australia can play as a near neighbor, within this historic process.


Ms Denise Fisher is a former Australian Consul-General of Noumea, New Caledonia and is presently the Europa Visiting Fellow, Centre for European Studies, ANU (TBC)

Professor Ciaran O'Faircheallaigh is Professor of Politics and Public Policy at Griffith University, Australia. He is Director of the Centre for Governance and Public Policy's Program on Environment, Resources and Sustainability (Chair)

Mr Anthony Regan, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, is a constitutional lawyer who specialises in constitutional development as part of conflict resolution and has been an adviser to Bougainville parties in the Bougainville peace process since 1994.

Mr Emmanuel Thuay Tjibaou, Tiendanite people, North Kanaky (New Caledonia). He is Director, Agency for Kanak Cultural Development - Centre Culturel Tjibaou and Chair, steering committee on the draft law on the protection of traditional knowledge and Kanak cultural expression.

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RSVP on or before Monday 3 September 2018 , by email , or by phone 07 3735 4705 , or via

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