Energy transition to 2030 - Plan to Repower Australia

Energy transition to 2030 - Plan to Repower Australia
Energy transition to 2030 - Plan to Repower Australia

Principal speaker

Ms Jan McNichol

Australia is currently in the grip of a renewable energy revolution. So, how do we make it achievable, and affordable, for everyone to benefit from renewable energy? We "Repower" Australia, of course. But how exactly do we do this?

Our next community forum delves into the report "Plan to Repower Australia" and will present an insight into repowering Australia with clean energy and how this will create a better life for everyone.

This report is the result of a partnership between 7 national environmental groups with researchers from the University of Sydney and written by 3 energy policy experts.

We already have the technology, skills and solution to transition to a clean energy future....we just need to get on with it.

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