LIVING WATER: in flux - Annique Goldenberg

LIVING WATER: in flux - Annique Goldenberg
LIVING WATER: in flux - Annique Goldenberg

Working primarily through the medium of water's connective and transformative power, this multimedia exhibition - LIVING WATER: in flux - opens a conversation between human affect, Arctic ice-melt and extreme weather events thousands of kilometres away. Through these personal experiences Annique Goldenberg seeks to find and share her response to a call for environmental responsibility, care and humility as she works in aleatoric* partnership with her materials.

In this time of climate change fatigue, installation practice offers an opportunity to engage multiple sensual perceptions. Using sound, smell and vision, Goldenberg seeks to evoke a personal and embodied ecological consciousness placing herself and the viewer firmly in the landscape.

* Aleatoricism is the incorporation of chance or random events into the process of creation.

Artist: Annique Goldenberg

Exhibition Dates: Wednesday 5 - Saturday, 22 June

Opening Times: Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm

Where: Project Gallery, 226 Grey Street, South Bank, 4101

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