Indigenous Research Seminar - "Do a PhD", they said. "It will be fun", they said. The experience of a PhD for First Peoples involving prisons, programs and evaluations.

Indigenous Research Seminar  - "Do a PhD", they said.  "It will be fun", they said.  The experience of a PhD for First Peoples involving prisons, programs and evaluations.
Indigenous Research Seminar - "Do a PhD", they said. "It will be fun", they said. The experience of a PhD for First Peoples involving prisons, programs and evaluations.

Principal speaker

Krystal Lockwood

This seminar will be held at a time in the final write-up of my thesis. I will share the story of how I have navigated through my PhD to this point. For my PhD, I had the privilege of evaluating a program supporting Koori families that have a parent inside. I will provide an overview of my PhD, before sharing the ups and downs involved throughout the process. In particular, I will describe my experiences in combining a realist and Indigenist research methodology; the experiences of using yarning modalities and an ethnographic approach; being ethical vs completing ethics applications; the process of data analysis; and having the opportunity to use applied research in a PhD. Through the seminar, I will pay homage to the support structures that have played a positive role in my…"journey".


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