Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity

Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity
Reproducible Research: Building Business Continuity

Principal speaker

Amanda Miotto

Other speakers

Julie Toohey, Brett Parker

The idea that you can duplicate an experiment and get the same conclusion is the basis for all scientific discoveries. Reproducible research is data analysis that starts with the raw data and offers a transparent workflow to arrive at the same results and conclusion. Researchers genuinely want to make their research more reproducible but sometimes don't know where to start or are not aware that best practice guidelines might exist.

Building these practices into your lab can also ensure Business Continuity, to alleviate skills and knowledge transfer when existing staff are unavailable or leave the group

This seminar will help you:
-Identify ways to make your research reproducible and transparent
-Safeguard you against loss of data or personnel
-Safeguard yourself against fraud
-Secure your data against loss or accident disclosure
-Identify best practice in reproducibility for current and future research projects


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RSVP on or before Sunday 5 July 2020 , by email , or by phone 0755529107 , or via

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