Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills
Interviewing Skills

Principal speaker

Dr Judy Rose

This workshop provides a set of practical skills, most relevant to conducting semi-structured interviews but which may also be useful for other kinds of interviews. We begin by reviewing how interviewing can be optimised as a methodological tool to gain rich detail in experiences, opinions, knowledge or behaviour. We then demonstrate via three vignettes how to 1. Establish rapport and trust (via verbal cues and body language) with a participant at the beginning of an interview, 2. Use prompting techniques such as "tell me more about that', and how to employ active listening, and a mindful and engaged presence, to encourage rich and relevant responses, and 3. Manage instances of interactive trouble that may occur at the outset of an interview (e.g. trying to establish common ground) and as the interview progresses (e.g. confronting outbursts/disclosures or detecting inauthentic information). Finally, we prepare you to apply these interviewing skills to your own semi-structured interview.

Format: This workshop will be delivered online during a 2-hour period, via Collaborate, with active learning break out groups and Q & A.

Pre-requisites: While this workshop caters to all levels of experience, we will assume that you have established your research question, conceptual framework and have a strategy in place for recruitment of interviewees. We recommend that participants attend the Designing Open-ended Questions for Interviews workshop beforehand, although it is not a mandatory requirement.

Relationship to other RED workshops: This workshop is a companion to workshops on "Eliciting Effect Sizes from Experts'.

Recommended Reading, prior to attending: Please read pp. 7-10 of Jacob, S. A., & Furgerson, S. P. (2012). Writing interview protocols and conducting interviews: tips for students new to the field of qualitative research. Qualitative Report, 17, 6, 1-10.


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