Charting a Path Forward on Climate Action - Griffith Climate Action Beacon Webinar

Charting a Path Forward on Climate Action - Griffith Climate Action Beacon Webinar
Charting a Path Forward on Climate Action - Griffith Climate Action Beacon Webinar

The release of the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 6th Assessment Report in August has again drawn attention to the urgent threat of climate change to planetary systems that sustain all life, and has highlighted the need for a rapid scaling up of global collaboration efforts to limit climate change and its impacts.

The Griffith Climate Action Beacon is a newly established initiative from Griffith University bringing the latest research together with thought leaders, government, industry, business and communities, to collectively address the real-world challenges in acting on climate change.

Join us on Thursday 9 September 2021 at 12.30 -1.30 pm AEST to hear from our panel of experts about the latest climate change science and how we can chart a path forward to limit global warming. In this webinar you will learn about:

· The science of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report and what it is telling us;
· How we can understand the complex responses to climate change and motivate action;
· Promising future pathways to limit climate change and its impacts;
· How transitioning to a climate resilient future can support socially just outcomes.

This interactive online panel session promises to be informative and provide practical guidance on effective climate action.
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RSVP on or before Thursday 9 September 2021 16.07 pm, by email , or by phone 0 , or via

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