Supporting Student-Mothers - Workshop 1: Work-Family Boundary Management

Supporting Student-Mothers - Workshop 1: Work-Family Boundary Management
Supporting Student-Mothers - Workshop 1: Work-Family Boundary Management

Principal speaker

Professor Paula Brough

This workshop is the first of five workshops organised as part of the "Supporting Student-Mothers: A Work-Life Program". We invite student-mothers and mothers-to-be, as well as anyone who has interest in this topic to attend this online workshop.

In this workshop, Professor Paula Brough will draw on her extensive research and industry collaborations to share how you can manage your work and non-work (e.g., family and caregiving) roles and boundaries better.

Focal points of workshop:

1) Work-home segmentation: Pros, cons, for whom, and how?

2) Work-home integration: Pros, cons, for whom, and how?

3) Self-regulation and role resources for better role transition between work and home

Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 16 March 2022 11.51 am, by email , or via

Event contact details