Maria Connor
ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID - provides researchers with a persistent unique identifier. ORCID prevents name ambiguity and connects publications, datasets and affiliations under a researcher's record.
This workshop will show you how to use and reap the benefits of ORCID by:
· Enhancing the discoverability and visibility of your research;
· Preventing name ambiguity problems;
· Saving time when applying for funding and/or publishing: enter your information once, re-use often!
In this workshop you will learn how to:
· Curate your ORCiD profile
· Connect your ORCiD to Symplectic Elements
· Add publications to your ORCiD profile.
Audience: All Griffith staff and researchers are welcome to attend.
Before the workshop: If you don't have an existing ORCID account, create one here:
Note: This workshop will be recorded. Slides and recordings will be made available to registered participants. If you cannot attend the session but would like to access the material, please register.
RSVP on or before Monday 24 October 2022 09.42 am, by email , or via