Advanced SciVal for Griffith researchers

Advanced SciVal for Griffith researchers
Advanced SciVal for Griffith researchers

Principal speaker

Cassandra Sims

Other speakers

Maria Connor

Research metrics are an effective way to measure the uptake of your work. As a researcher, you can use metrics to provide evidence of your performance and contribution to your academic field.

SciVal enables users to analyse publication outputs at an individual, group and institutional level, using Scopus data.

This session will explore:

- Benchmarking module: compare and benchmark researchers or other entities.

- Topics: obtain a granular view of your research with SciVal Topics and Topic Clusters

- Research Areas: define your own research areas and explore outputs, authors, journals and more.

- Q&A


Event categories

RSVP on or before Sunday 11 September 2022 13.48 pm, by email , or via

Event contact details

Session 1

Session 2