Dr Raymond Evans
Dr Raymond Evans is an Adjunct Professor, Griffith University and Senior Research Fellow, University of Queensland. Historian and writer, Dr Evans is the author of the recent essay. This lecture is brought to you by Supreme Court Library Queensland, the Selden Society (Australian chapter) and Griffith University.
The first Selden Society lecture for 2024 will be, The rigours of truth-telling: Sir Samuel Griffith and Queensland's violent frontier, presented by Dr Raymond Evans.
Dr Evans will address the current controversy surrounding the career of Sir Samuel Walker Griffith and the claim that his historical reputation and legacy is marred by responsibility for the high degree of racial violence along the Queensland colony's frontiers in the later nineteenth century.
The lecture builds upon Dr Evans' recently published essay, "Samuel Griffith and Queensland's "War of Extermination"'.
Join us for refreshments in the Portrait Gallery after the lecture.
RSVP on or before Thursday 8 February 2024 09.20 am, via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/selden-society-2024-lecture-serieslecture-one-tickets-796466602047?aff=oddtdtcreator