Regression - An Introduction with a Focus on the Model

Regression - An Introduction with a Focus on the Model
Regression - An Introduction with a Focus on the Model

Principal speaker

Ben Stewart-Koster

Regression is at the foundation of many advanced statistical modelling methods, so it is important to gain a firm foundation first in simple linear regression. This workshop introduces regression, from the perspective of modern statistical emphasis on modelling rather than null hypothesis testing. Using a worked example, we will step you through the process of specifying a simple linear regression model, and evaluating the fit using summary statistics as well as diagnostics. The focus will be on understanding the inputs and interpreting the outputs. Participants will gain an understanding of the regression modelling cycle that will help equip them to build their own models in future.

We have allowed three hours for this session, however depending on how many questions and how much discussion develops, we may not require the whole time.


This workshop is for current Griffith University staff and students only.

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RSVP on or before Sunday 16 June 2024 07.47 am, by email , or via

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