Introduction to Computational Thinking

Introduction to Computational Thinking
Introduction to Computational Thinking

Principal speaker

Amanda Miotto

Other speakers

Sharron Stapleton

This workshop introduces computational thinking as a precursor to learning how to write code in programming languages like R or Python. It will cover the steps involved in breaking down complex problems into computable chunks.

At the end of the workshop, you should be able to:

* Identify the steps involved in computational thinking
* Break a problem down into more manageable parts
* Develop a series of steps (also known an algorithm) to solve a problem
* Generalise important detail so that algorithms can be made re-usable (a process is called abstraction)

The workshop does not teach computer programming. Instead it will cover the thought processes involved should you want to learn to program.


Event categories

RSVP on or before Tuesday 17 September 2024 09.18 am, by email , or via

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