Dr Andre Oboler
About the seminar
There are renewed calls to regulate social media companies in an effort to tackle online hate and extremism following the terrorist attack by an Australian white supremacist in New Zealand on March 15th 2019. The New Zealand Prime Minister has said platforms are "publishers not postmen" and therefore culpable, while the Australian Prime Minister has called for greater artificial intelligence solutions to address the threat.
This talk will look at the online element of the Christchurch attack and the response on Facebook by the far right and their followers. The online hate spread during four other incidents will also be examined: the 2014 Martin Place siege, the 2017 Bourke street attack, the 2018 Flinders Street attack and the 2018 Bourke Street attack. The wider problem of online hate will be introduced with an overview of developments that have changed or tried to change the way major social media platforms address the problem. The issues of reporting and monitoring by experts, platform staff and artificial intelligence, and the limits of these approaches will be considered. The cultural, ethical and legal challenges in responding will be discussed.
About the speaker
Dr Andre Oboler is CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute and a Senior Lecturer in the La Trobe Law School. He has been researching, responding and raising the problem of online hate in social media since 2007. He serves as an expert member of the Australian Government's delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, a member of the IEEE's Global Public Policy Committee, and as Vice Chair for Geographic Activities of the IEEE Computer Society's MGA Board. He previously served as a co-chair of the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism and co-chair of its working group on antisemitism on the internet and in the media, as an expert member of the Interparliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism and as Vice Chair of the IEEE Australia Council. His work on online racism against Indigenous Australians has been used by UNESCO and his work on online Islamophobia has been used by the United Nations Human Rights Council and praised by the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Committee into British Muslims and used by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. He holds a PhD in computer science from Lancaster University (UK), an honours degree in computer science and LLM(Juris Doctor) from Monash University, and completed a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Political Science at Bar-Ilan University (Israel).
About this seminar
Dr Andre Oboler is CEO of the Online Hate Prevention Institute and a Senior Lecturer in the La Trobe Law School. He has been researching, responding and raising the problem of online hate in social media since 2007. He serves as an expert member of the Australian Government's delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, a member of the IEEE's Global Public Policy Committee, and as Vice Chair for Geographic Activities of the IEEE Computer Society's MGA Board. He previously served as a co-chair of the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism and co-chair of its working group on antisemitism on the internet and in the media, as an expert member of the Interparliamentry Coalition to Combat Antisemitism and as Vice Chair of the IEEE Australia Council. His work on online racism against Indigenous Australians has been used by UNESCO and his work on online Islamophobia has been used by the United Nations Human Rights Council and praised by the UK's All-Party Parliamentary Committee into British Muslims and used by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. He holds a PhD in computer science from Lancaster University (UK), an honours degree in computer science and LLM(Juris Doctor) from Monash University, and completed a Post Doctoral Fellowship in Political Science at Bar-Ilan University (Israel).
About this seminar
The Law Futures Centre (LFC), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) and IEEE Computer Society present "Can we win the war against hate? Tackling Online Hate and Extremism after Christchurch" by Dr Andre Oboler at the Griffith University, South Bank campus.
RSVP on or before Thursday 11 April 2019 , by email lawfutures@griffith.edu.au