Excellent Graphics in R

Excellent Graphics in R
Excellent Graphics in R

Principal speaker

Daniela Vasco

We weave in discussion of the principles of excellent graphics, whilst introducing the grammar of graphics underlying the ggplot2 package in R. Interestingly this is intuitive like the point-and-click approach used to create graphs in Excel and other packages; but ggplot is reproducible and more powerful. We put five basic principles into action for visualising data. This starts with the quintessential plots for showing statistical distributions: histograms, box plots, density plots and others. Then we consider plots of relationships: the humble scatterplot, with many options for refinement.

Preparation: You will gain more from the workshop if you install R and ggplot2 (and associated packages) beforehand, using guidance we provide to registrants.

Intended audience: The principles of what makes a good graph will be accessible to any level of experience, from absolute beginners to more experienced analysts, who wish to explore graphics beyond those easily accessible in their data analysis packages.


This session is for current Griffith University staff and students only.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 1 May 2024 09.36 am, by email red@griffith.edu.au , or via https://events.griffith.edu.au/BlwNO5

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