Developing Researcher Training Program

Managing a Funded Research Grant
10 Nov

Managing a Funded Research Grant

The seminar will include presentations from the Office for Research (how to make sure you follow the grant rules), the Legal Services Unit (what the agreement really means), Procurement (how to buy stuff), Human Resources (how to employ staff), Finance (how not to go over or under budget) and the Library (how to safely store the data).
Copyright, Publishing and Open Access Considerations
09 Nov

Copyright, Publishing and Open Access Considerations

The seminar will examine copyright, publishing and open access considerations across all research disciplines (noting that a separate training session is provided for the Creative Arts).
How to turn your Thesis into a Book
08 Nov

How to turn your Thesis into a Book

This workshop explores the steps necessary to turn a humanities or social sciences PhD thesis into a research monograph. The session features input from three academics at various stages of their careers who have successfully published, or co-published, a book based on their PhD research.
Improving the tone and style of your academic writing
08 Nov

Improving the tone and style of your academic writing

Gather strategies to develop your academic writing skills and compose text that has academic tone, style and clarity for the reader.
Writing the Literature Review
03 Nov

Writing the Literature Review

Discover tips and strategies to help you prepare, plan and structure your writing to deliver a logical and coherent literature review.
External Research Datasets
01 Nov

External Research Datasets

An exploratory session for researchers on AURIN, ABS, ADA, and other major virtual data labs and portals. Discover large, interdisciplinary, layered datasets to support research.