Researcher Education and Development

Introduction to QGIS (Part 2)
24 Feb

Introduction to QGIS (Part 2)

This part introduces you to QGIS, how to download it and modify the interface, finding and symbolising data, and basic data analysis and creation of layouts (maps).
Introduction to REDCap at Griffith
20 Feb

Introduction to REDCap at Griffith

Learn how to build and deploy projects in REDCap (REsearch Data Capture), one of Griffith's supported research survey tools.
Research Impact Communication
20 Feb

Research Impact Communication

In this hands-on, stepwise workshop researchers will draft a research impact communication on their own research project/program.
Copyright, Publishing and Open Access Considerations
19 Feb

Copyright, Publishing and Open Access Considerations

The seminar will examine copyright, publishing and open access considerations across all research disciplines (noting that a separate training session is provided for the Creative Arts).
Evidencing your Teaching and Research Impact for Promotion
19 Feb

Evidencing your Teaching and Research Impact for Promotion

Are you applying for promotion, or thinking of applying, in 2025 or 2026?

A case for promotion is expected to show evidence of sustained achievement and impact in the areas you are applying: teaching excellence, research excellence or both.
External Research Datasets
18 Feb

External Research Datasets

An exploratory session for researchers on ABS, ADA, Australian Data Scheme and other major virtual data labs and portals. Discover large, interdisciplinary datasets to support research.