How to turn your thesis into a book

How to turn your thesis into a book

Principal speaker

Professor Andy Bennett

Other speakers

Dr Adele Pavlidis; Dr Raphael Nowak

This workshop explores the steps necessary to turn a humanities or social sciences PhD thesis into a research monograph. The workshop features input from three academics at various stages of their careers who have successfully published, or co-published, a book based on their PhD research. Themes covered in the workshop will include, sourcing a publisher, negotiating a contract and managing the conversion from thesis to book, and promoting a book once it is published. The workshop will also consider questions frequently asked by PhD candidates and ECRs, such as the value of producing a series of articles versus a single-authored book, or the value of producing a monograph versus an academic textbook.


Event categories

RSVP on or before Friday 2 August 2019 , by email , or by phone 0755529107 , or via

Event contact details

Session 1

Session 2